Anoxia for Insect Infestations
Insects cannot survive in an oxygen-free atmosphere. Prolonged storage of infested items in an anoxic environment will kill all stages of insect life, with no need for dangerous poisons and no residual chemicals.
Keepsafe Systems can provide you with everything you’ll need for anoxic treatment, including oxygen absorbers, barrier films and bags, for large projects.
Please click on the links below for further information regarding anoxia and insects:
- A compendium of kill times for insects using anoxia
- A seminal article by John Brendan and Gordon Hanlon
- is an excellent general website
- the informative article on using anoxia for pest control by John Burke
- The Conservation On Line (CoOL) archives contain a wealth of information and links on Integrated Pest Management and anoxic treatments
- How to create an anoxic package has simple instructions and a chart for calculating equivalent volumes and Oxygen Absorber requirements
- The NPS Conserve O Gram titled Anoxic Microenvironments: A Treatment for Pest Control
Please contact us to discuss your application.