Keepsafe Microclimate Systems specializes in the design, procurement, installation, and commissioning of a wide variety of microclimate control solutions.
Our environmental control techniques and protocols ensure the reliable and accurate environmental control of showcase and storage environments.
Like most environmental control devices, active microclimate generators (MCG units) provide modified air to control humidity in display or storage cases. However, it is important to recognize that most of the specifications normally used to determine the appropriate application of HVAC devices are not applicable to microclimate control devices. Flow rates, capacities, monitoring and control systems, and installation can be radically different from common environmental solutions, and engineers experienced with general HVAC applications often take some time to get used to microclimate solutions.
Generally, microclimate units operate completely independently of HVAC facilities. Most MCG units can supply conditions in conformance with ASHRAE Chapter 21 Class AA Specifications and will effectively control humidity and pollution levels when building temperature levels are appropriately controlled. Temperature control is available only for individual showcase installations, and is a complex and expensive option.
Microclimate devices may be placed beneath a showcase, or in a distant machine room or maintenance closet. Air distribution is usually by flexible tube or pipe.The printable documents below will provide architects, engineers, and facilities managers with an introduction to our devices.
- A Primer on Active Microclimate Control of Museum Cases
- Inside the Black Box- An Overview of Microclimate Control Systems
- A Facilities Manager’s Guide to Microclimate ControlAlso of interest:
- For a case study in Energy Savings in a museum, click here
- See information on new ASHRAE Standards for Museums
- Click here to read “Development of humidity recommendations in museums and moisture control in buildings” by JP Brown & William B Rose
- For a link to an excellent Master’s thesis on Comparing Energy Costs in Museums click here.